Team photo of all PC&A attorneys and staff

In light of recent events, including the “Stay at Home” orders issued in the St. Louis region in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, the attorneys and staff at Padberg, Corrigan and Appelbaum (PC&A) wish to share the below statement with our community:

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We represent individuals who seek justice for debilitating injuries, permanent disabilities and wrongful death. And we are fighting hard for our clients as always.

However, we understand the nature of COVID-19 poses a unique threat to many aspects of what we consider “business as usual.” Public safety and social responsibility are key to preventing the same kind of tragic accidents many of our clients have suffered. As such, we have enacted the following accommodations to continue fighting for our clients while also complying with necessary public health measures:  

  • For current clients, be assured that PC&A has the technological capability to represent you from remote locations.

    We use DocuSign to have our clients securely sign documents necessary for our representation. We have been operating with paperless files for some time, which allows our staff to continue working from the safety of their homes. We are also developing a process to take depositions remotely.    

  • For those in need of our services, please know that we are here for you. The courts of Missouri are functioning; however, all in-person hearings and jury trials have been postponed. All other business is proceeding at this time.

    We are always available to speak with you via telephone, email and video conferencing. If you are seeking representation for an accident or injury, or have any legal questions for our team, please do not hesitate to reach out

Much of our staff will be working remotely during this time. Those who are in the office will continue to abide by all necessary CDC guidelines.   

We at PC&A understand that you have entrusted your case to us, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

Please stay safe and healthy and know that we are here for you.

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